"Revolutionize Your Photography Business: Streamline, Elevate, Succeed!"

At this point, you may be curious about the pricing. It's natural to wonder if there's a catch, as that's often the case. However, I'm keen on ensuring this isn't merely another subscription service. I firmly believe that the value it brings should benefit both you and me. As a contractor rather than an employee, you deserve the freedom to choose your clients and set your own work schedule.

My decision to eschew a monthly fee stems from a desire to align our interests. By foregoing a fixed cost, I'm invested in your success. After all, if you don't thrive, neither does the business. Instead, a modest percentage will be deducted from the photo session price.

I deliberately withheld the precise percentage until now. I wanted you to fully grasp the platform's value. Transparency is crucial; without it, I fear you might have disengaged prematurely. As we move forward, my intention is to gradually reduce this percentage after the initial year. Currently, it stands at 30%.

This 30% allocation is for advertising, website maintenance, software upkeep, and other essential business expenses. While I did contemplate a subscription model, I ultimately rejected it. I want to avoid becoming just another monthly expense. I firmly believe this approach will foster scalability and, once again, result in mutual benefit

Lets talk